


Who we are

ISAAC - Singapore

is the official Singapore chapter of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC). We are a community-run society that strives to increase Awareness of AAC use, be an Advocate for the AAC community, and encourage Collaboration amongst all stakeholders, including persons who use AAC, family and caregivers, professionals, and more!

Our Vision is that AAC will be recognised, valued, and used throughout Singapore, with persons who use AAC as an integral part of society.

Professionals & Student Clinicians

Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educators and other colleagues who work with persons who use AAC (e.g. Nurses, Rehab specialists)

Individuals who uses AAC

Children, Youths, and Adults who use or would benefit from using AAC


Companies who develop, distribute, or retail AAC equipment and software


Families/Caregivers of individuals who use AAC

Organisations & Instituition

E.g. Educational institutions, Healthcare institutions, Research institutions, Social Service Agencies

Policy makers

Government bodies who design, plan, and implement policies that may affect the AAC Community

Who is this for


Want to know what's been happening in the AAC community in Singapore?

13 February 2025 #ISAACSGConnect

Click on the link icon below for the latest issue of ISAAC SG Connect!

Passionate about AAC? Want to meet new friends? Sign up as an ISAAC SG Volunteer today!

21 October 2023 #ISAACSG

People of all levels of understanding of AAC are welcome to join. Click the link below to sign up!